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SAOVA Update January 2011

Susan Wolf, Sportsmen’s & Animal Owners’ Voting Alliance
Issue lobbying and working to identify and elect supportive legislators
Visit SAOVA News

The world not only belongs to those who show up, it's controlled by the best informed and most motivated. Thanks for reading.


State senator Josh Brecheen (R, 6) prefiled a bill to repeal the Commercial Pet Breeders Act and provide for transfer of any money in the Commercial Pet Breeders Enforcement Fund.  

Rural lawmakers and other opponents of Proposition B are pushing for repeal. State Sen. Bill Stouffer (R-Napton) filed a "straight-up" repeal of Proposition B. Stouffer told reporters, “When I looked at my Senate district, I have a couple counties that voted 80 percent against it.” The Marshall Democrat-News reports HSUS spent $4.5 million on advertising, including a strong television ad campaign in the metropolitan areas to push passage of the ballot measure. HSUS has already hired four lobbyists to work against repeal efforts. Marshall Democrat-News. Stouffer files bill to repeal 'puppy mill' law.  

An outspoken opponent of Proposition B during the petition and election campaigns, Sen. Mike Parson (R, 28) challenged the 50 dog limit the measure imposed on breeders. “In what other industry do we limit how many products they can have? We may as well limit how many cars someone can sell. Buffalo Reflex. ‘Puppy mill bill’ dissected in forum at Bolivar High School.  


A bill to establish an animal abuser registry has been prefiled by New York Assemblymember Deborah Glick (D, 66). A299 was filed 1/5/2011 and referred to Agriculture.

South Carolina Senators Jake Knotts (R, 23) and Danny Verdin (R, 9) prefiled similar legislation. S226 was prefiled 12/08/10 and referred to the Senate Committee on Judiciary.

Both bills establish statewide registries with community notification requirements. The registries function like sex offender registries, requiring convicted animal abusers to register personal information with local law enforcement. Sheriff’s departments will be required to maintain registry, notify all residents, schools, businesses, and animal shelters within half-mile radius of the abuser’s residence. State law enforcement divisions must maintain the information in a database for 15 years and have it available online.

Attempts to enact animal abuser registries have been unsuccessful in Rhode Island, Colorado, Tennessee, Louisiana, and California. Louisiana Fiscal Office concluded the registry would cost $46,000 to implement and $126,000 over five years for very few offenders. The Fiscal Office added that only 5 offenders were currently incarcerated at state facilities for crimes against animals included in the proposed legislation.

Some states have already come under criticism for requiring registration and community notification for an ever-expanding list of offenses. The effectiveness of registries has also come under scrutiny. A federally funded study by the New Jersey Department of Corrections found that registries and notification did not reduce the number of new offenses or new victims. The study also noted that costs associated with the initial implementation as well as ongoing expenditures continue to grow over time.

Animal abuser registry legislation should be opposed if introduced in your state.

Establishing animal abuser registries is a campaign of the California-based Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) whose mission is to advance the interests of nonhuman animals through the legal system and expand the boundaries of animal law.

New York Senate Bill 80
A bill proposed Sen. Daniel Squadron (D, 25) would ban the non-therapeutic use of antimicrobials in food-producing animals. If passed, it would make using antibiotics to promote growth or prevent disease in livestock a criminal act punishable by fines and jail time. SB 80 was prefiled 1/5/2011 and referred to Agriculture.

This far-reaching bill also prohibits the sale and transport for sale any food product within New York that is derived from an animal that has been subject to non-therapeutic use of antimicrobial agents regardless of place of origin.

The meat and poultry industry and the AVMA have repeatedly opposed legislation aimed at banning the practice of giving antibiotics in non-therapeutic circumstances, stating that science has not proven a connection between feeding such drugs to food animals and the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in humans.

HSUS Coming To Lobby at a State Near You
Amanda Radke writes in her Beef Magazine blog, “Sometimes, it’s easy to feel that the threat of HSUS is an isolated one, only happening in other states, never your own. You may be surprised that in the months of January and February, HSUS is going to be very busy and will be stopping in Alabama, Pennsylvania, Missouri, Washington, Tennessee, Mississippi, Indiana, Montana, Colorado, North Carolina, Nebraska and Massachusetts. It certainly looks like HSUS isn’t taking a break in 2011.” Radke advises her readers, “Rally the troops and get organized.”  

SAOVA is a nonpartisan volunteer group working to protect Americans from the legislative and political threats of radical animal rightists. It is the only national organization fighting this struggle for both sportsmen and animal owners, natural allies, in these arenas. Visit our website at  for this program's goals, methodology and list signup details.

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