2000  "Musher Challenge" Results
Anchorage, Alaska

March 11, 2000

Return to 1999-2000 Alaskan Results List

Results provided by   Kirsten Ballard, North American Skijor & Ski Pulk Association

Normally this race runs along city trails from Goose Lake to Tozier Track – part of the same route used by the Fur Rondevous’ "World Championships." This year due to icy trail conditions, the entire race was held on the 4 mile loop at the Tozier Track Trails (Facility owned and operated by the Alaska Sled Dog Racing Association (ASDRA) "Home of the Fastest Dogs in the World." These trails run through Far North Bicentennial Park (Municipality of Anchorage) and Campbell Tract (Bureau of Land Management). The trails are groomed and maintained by ASDRA. They are relatively flat. For the race they were freshly groomed ice/corn snow and were hard and fast.

Weather was overcast with temperatures in the 20’s with a steady north wind that gave a wind-chill into the single digits at times.

This is an annual fun race that gives the Anchorage Skijor Club (North American Skijor and Ski Pulk Association – NASSPA) and ASDRA a chance to get together and have some fun competition between the two slightly different disciplines. "Dogs is dogs" and fun was had by all, especially at the pot-luck afterwards.

MUSHER (3 dog)

Bev Stevens 11:15
Dennis Christennsen 12:19
Ed Sundeen 12:22
Sherri Collins 13:39
Jr. Class 1-dog
Annie Freudenthal 15:28


Men’s 1-Dog
Jon McCasky


Men’s 2-Dog
Ed Sundeen


Allan Freudenthal


Ray Mercer


Women’s 1-Dog
Christine Volz


Sarah Madosik


Women’s 2-dog
Kris Rasey


Lexi Hill


Kirsten Ballard


Kim Wells


Jr. 1-Dog Women’s
Katya _____


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